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Work Live & Play, professional drones

Escrito por Redacción TNI el 15/08/2018 a las 18:47:53

The international Catalonia DroneCamp 2018 taking place near Barcelona, from October 22nd to November 10 is meant for those who are thinking on releasing new entrepreneurial projects related to the Drone Field. The initiative, funded by the  European Social Fund through the Generalitat of Catalonia, calls 20 world wide entrepreneurs who want to learn about professional drone technology and market applications, entrepreneurship and business management, as well as discussing and working intensively to define and prototype possible Startups, in an intensive and cooperative space during the time of 1 + 3 weeks (the first one online), with the strong support of the prominent professionals from the business and academic field.


Mas Vinyoles


In December 2017 the new regulatory framework for the realization of activities with drones in Spain, within the European regulation ruled by EASA, has changed and opened the door for further development of this emerging sector, which has significant growth potential and has created nearly three thousand companies in Spain in three years.


The Catalonia DroneCamp 2018 is an initiative of Mas Vinyoles Venture Factory, the University of Vic (UCC) and the BCN Drone Center.


Mas Vinyoles Venture Factory is a startup factory specialized in the clean tech and smart tech sectors, following the "venture building" model. Located in Mas Vinyoles Hub of Sant Pere de Torelló, MVVF aims to combine good business ideas, entrepreneurial talent and initial capital to start up disruptive and scalable business projects, with a “Glocal” vision.


The University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia promotes this event through the Faculty of Business and Communication. UVic, is specially oriented to entrepreneurship in its degrees and in its MBA and doctorate courses.


The BCN Drone Center is one of the 10 centers worldwide specialized in testing and proofing professional civilian drones. The BDC has taught drone piloting and remote sensing courses for 9 years. The BCD was founded by the CATUAV pioneering technology company in the development and manufacture of fixed-wing drones and the provision of related services. CATUAV and MVVF have recently launched a business project named Exodronics.


Those whose ambitions are creating and developing new applications for the professional drones, should not miss this excellent opportunity, as it’s integral training program  is offered for free and consists of these 5 main blocks:


Block B1. Specialized technological training: drones, sensory and remote detection. 40 teaching hours, including up to 20 hours of real flights


Block B2. Market applications and specific business learning. 40 teaching hours


Block B3. Training in business management and entrepreneurship. 45 hours of dedication.


Block B4. Collective sessions with new ideas and business models discussion, project selection and prototyping. 25 hours in all.


Block B5. Individual mentoring on specific startup projects. 4 hours of dedication.


The in-person 3 weeks’ intensive training will take place at Mas Vinyoles Hub (Sant Pere de Torelló) and Barcelona Drone Center in Moià, both around one hour away from Barcelona, in great natural environments. The organization offers all logistic services related with the developing of the event: accommodation, food service, transport between sites and optional cultural/leisure activities during weekends. Accommodation takes place in the Mas Vinyoles Hub and in a second nearby house.


The training is free of charge and attenders have only to pay for the services.


All information related to the Catalonia DroneCamp 2018 is available at