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  5. The LIVE INCITE innovation procurement has now been published

The LIVE INCITE innovation procurement has now been published

Escrito por Redacción TNI el 30/01/2018 a las 13:25:35

The LIVE INCITE innovation procurement has now been published. This means that companies can now submit proposals for digital solutions to support patients in changing lifestyle prior to surgery, in order to improve the results of their treatment. Selected proposals will subsequently be developed by the companies in cooperation with Karolinska University Hospital and two other European hospitals.


LIVE INCITE is an EU-financed pre-commercial procurement project for innovative digital solutions. The solutions must support behavioural change prior to surgery in order to reduce the risk of complications, thereby improving treatment outcomes. The majority of EU funds, totalling 4.2 million euro, will go to the companies that participate in solving the challenges facing the healthcare sector.


The Request for Tenders has now been published, including all background documentation required for companies to take on the challenge and tender a solution. Information will also be presented verbally to all stakeholders during an open information meeting at the end of January. The publication describes the challenge in detail, as well as the preconditions for the subsequent three-year development period.


LIVE INCITE is searching for a number of providers to participate in three phases; to produce concepts and prototypes, as well as prepare and support a pilot project to test the proposed solutions.


The final date for applications is 16 March 2018.


Additional information


The Request for Tenders can be found at: