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  5. Reducing Interferences in Receivers is Key to Spectrum Management

Reducing Interferences in Receivers is Key to Spectrum Management

Escrito por Redacción TNI el 21/02/2023 a las 22:16:58

Wireless communications require radio frequency (RF) systems to transmit and receive radio signals, making both transmitters and receivers vital for enabling innovative and efficient spectrum use. 5G Americas, the voice of 5G and 4G LTE for the Americas, today announced the release of Radio Frequency Receiver Performance”, which provides a timely technical analysis of receiver performance and specific 5G Americas recommendations in light of a recent FCC Notice of Inquiry in 2022.

Chris Pearson, President of 5G Americas said, “Receiver performance is not a one-time job. It is a process that continually evolves as the wireless ecosystem grows and the spectrum becomes congested. He further added, “As spectrum is a critical resource affected by receiver performance, 5G Americas provides recommendations toward positive solutions.”

Efficient use of spectrum requires radio transmitters and receivers that function properly to cater to ever-growing demand for network capacity. In the US, current regulation primarily focuses on transmitters, but adding restrictions to compensate for inadequate legacy receiver performance can be counterproductive. Improving receiver performance involves several key issues, such as those in technical considerations, co-existence between users of spectrum, and industry-specific policies.

Radio Frequency Receiver Performance” provides a timely technical analysis of receiver performance along with providing specific recommendations, contributions toward positive outcomes so industries can co-exist while making progress and aid government administrators in formulating policy.

Some key topics surrounding receiver standards in this 5G Americas report include:


  • Basic problem of out of band interference (Effect of receiver filter & transmit signal)
  • Current and previous work on receiver standards       
  • Other relevant studies, analyses, and memoranda
  • Technical background (Receiver sensitivity, linearity, dynamic range, protection ratio, selectivity, blocking and overloading, spurious response rejection)
  • Receiver impact in coexistence
  • Industry and policy considerations
  • Interference Limits Policy
  • 5G Americas technical and policy recommendations  


Ali Khayrallah, Senior Technical Advisor, Ericsson said, “Effective self-policing negates additional regulator intervention in industries like mobile networks that have a well-functioning system of evolving standards, and market forces that encourage equipment upgrades for better performance. However, other industries that lack such mechanisms may require regulatory involvement.”  He added, “An on-going dialogue between all stakeholders including industries, policy makers, and incumbent and prospective users of spectrum will be beneficial to ensuring innovation and full spectrum utilization continues.”