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Protection to defenders with creation of new unit

Escrito por Redacción TNI el 19/07/2022 a las 10:20:57

The world's increasingly fraught geopolitical situation has precipitated a concerning variety of cyber attacks targeting individuals, corporations, civil infrastructure, and governments. These threats have become progressively abundant and sophisticated in nature, leading WithSecure™ (formerly known as F-Secure Business) to create a new unit to help combat these adversaries.


WithSecure™ Intelligence–WithIntel for short–combines approaches from threat research and machine learning to improve and develop intelligence-driven protection capabilities for use in WithSecure’s solutions and services. 


WithSecure™ Vice President Paolo Palumbo, who leads the unit, expects WithIntel’s unique blend of expertise, such as machine learning, malware analysis, reverse engineering, threat intelligence, detection engineering, and data analysis, to help it identify significant emerging threats facing organizations and focus the unit’s protection and detection capabilities against these threats.


"Threats are evolving faster than defenses, and intelligence needed to counter attacks often lacks nuance or relevance to potential targets. Aggregating and analyzing a wide range of data sources allows us to monitor the current threat landscape accurately, predict new attacks, and use this knowledge to stop attackers through our technologies and services," said Palumbo. “Working toward this goal supports WithSecure’s efforts in providing clients with security outcomes that help them minimize the risks and damages caused by these threats.”


WithIntel will utilize all of WithSecure’s technologies to develop and improve the company’s services and solutions. Specific areas of research include endpoint threat detection, cloud and web security, detection and response, data-driven threat insights, tracking and understanding advanced persistent threats, attacks against machine learning systems and how to defend against them, and more. Additionally, WithIntel will leverage innovations in endpoint intelligence generated by the company’s Project Blackfin. 


According to Palumbo, WithIntel will closely collaborate with partners, industry counterparts, academic institutions, investigative journalists, and local CERTS, to ensure the unit learns from and contributes to larger efforts to improve cyber defenses. 


"Our work as cyber security professionals is a team effort, and we want to think of anyone else working to help protect people and companies from attackers as being part of our team. I look forward to increasing our collaboration with people across industries and countries to co-secure our shared digital world. I also encourage anyone interested in helping us with this mission to apply to join our team and the company as a whole,” said Palumbo. 


All of WithSecure’s job postings are available at