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New Fiber route

Escrito por Redacción TNI el 18/04/2017 a las 20:26:51

Telia Carrier has announced that it has extended the reach of its global backbone by adding a new fiber-route between New York City and Chicago. The new express route, along with extra fiber in the New York metro area, further diversifies the wholesale carrier's network and provides enhanced 100G+ service options to carriers, content and cloud providers in New York, Chicago and the United States as a whole.


With the growth of the Internet of Things, enterprise cloud, on-demand streaming and live online gaming, service providers, cloud providers and content delivery networks are consistently driving traffic requirements up. The diversity of Telia Carrier’s offerings enables the wholesale carrier to add routing options and points of presence (PoPs) in the New Jersey/New York region, shortening the network path and improving latency. Additionally, the global wholesale carrier uses the latest in next-generation, coherent 100G-ready equipment and modulation formats to provide fast delivery and service turn-up, optimizing the overall customer experience. The new route also improves the efficiency of existing routes, including New York - San Francisco and New York - Denver.

"Telia Carrier prides itself on customer centricity and our network is designed to support the needs of our customers, bringing tangible ‘Power to the User,’ said Stephen Hartman, head of sales, North Americas Region at Telia Carrier. “By shortening the route from Chicago to New York, we can meet burgeoning market demand for high capacity, lower latency services throughout the region. Moreover, we are able improve transport to the West Coast and stay ahead of ever-increasing backbone traffic requirements”

Telia Carrier’s global fiber backbone has grown organically, without acquisitions, and is the first to be 100G-enabled in both Europe and North America. It was also the first network to successfully transmit 1 Tb/s on its US network. According to Dyn Research’s global backbone rankings, AS1299, Telia Carrier’s global IP backbone, is currently ranked top-two. Telia Carrier’s rapid growth and ascension through the rankings was recently highlighted in Dyn’s ‘Baker’s Dozen, 2015 edition’ report. The company enables worldwide connectivity by connecting more than 220 Points of Presence (PoPs) across Europe, North America, Asia, and the Middle East including over 70 PoPs in North America alone.